It is important to get on top of any pest problem you have as soon as you are aware of it. Pests can increase in number very quickly and go from a nuisance to stress and torment in a matter of weeks.

Pests aren't just annoying animals to have in your home or workplace but they also carry diseases and cause destruction.

Some of the pests we deal with are:

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Moles
  • Wasps
  • Bees
  • Ants
  • Pigeons
  • .
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Rabbits
  • Squirrels
  • Foxes

Common household pests


Rats are known to carry well known diseases such as Weils disease and Listeriosis. They spread these diseases while looking for food by urinating and defecating on work surfaces and in food areas. Rats will eat just about anything and by way of controlling teeth growth they will chew just about anything too. Rats can chew through lots of different materials such as wood, plastic, lead pipes, aluminium etc.


Mice are carriers of very dangerous diseases such as Salmonella and Lyme’s disease. They will chew on many things such as wood, plastic and cardboard but also often chew on wires around the house and in lofts which can be a common cause house fires


Fleas can live anywhere in the house including on pets, in pet bedding, in and around the edges of carpets, underneath furniture as well as in beds and bedding. On average a fleas life span is around 2-3 months and in this time a female can lay up to around 5000 eggs. In order to reproduce fleas must feed on blood from a host. Fleas carry a number of viral and bacterial diseases.


Moles are highly territorial animals and will live solitary lives only coming together during the breeding season to mate. They create a network of tunnels under ground and can destroy a lawn over night by raising moles hills which contaminate and kill lawns.


Cockroaches are generally nocturnal and will run when exposed to any form of bright light. They leave chemical trails in their faeces which contaminate work surfaces and work tops. Cockroaches prefer warmer environments so are most commonly found around kitchen areas. They are one of the hardiest of all insects and can survive for up to 3 months without food.

Get in touch to discuss any pest problem

We not only deal with all pests but are also very happy to give any advice on pests if needed.